Thursday, October 7, 2010

Confessions Worth Noting

Thanks to my friend Cassie (link to her blog), I have created a blog.  Here's to a new "xanga"...not really.

Much of my days are spent wondering what more I could do to be interactive with the Word of God.  My walk with the Lord is personal to me but is by no means private.  After talking with Cassie, she encouraged me that this would be a good thing for me to have to share my thoughts and experiences with Christ as I come to know Him more and more everyday and keep His Word alive in my life.  I pray that as I write these blogs that they may be a blessing to those who read, and I look forward to getting responses from those who would like to respond.  Anyways, I am excited to share my life with you all and how I am being used as a tool in the hand of our Creator to spread the Good News.


1 comment:

  1. Your friend sounds like an awesome young lady. And her blog is fun to read!

    Hey, everyone!... go read her blog! :)
